WPSM - Same airport
WPSM stands for Same airport
Here you will find, what does WPSM stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Same airport? Same airport can be abbreviated as WPSM What does WPSM stand for? WPSM stands for Same airport. What does Same airport mean?Same airport is an expansion of WPSM
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Alternative definitions of WPSM
- Warfighter Physiological Status Monitoring
- Warfighter Physiological Status Monitoring
- Watts Per Square Meter
- Whole Person Stress Management
- WP Sport Media
- Woody Plant Seed Manual
- Same, Indonesia (East Ti
View 18 other definitions of WPSM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- WPVQ Viqueque airport
- WQKN Primapun airport
- WRBB Syamsudin Noor airport
- WRBC Batu Licin airport
- WRBI Iskandar airport
- WRBK Kotabaru airport
- WRBM Muaratewe airport
- WRBP Tjilik Riwut airport
- WRBS Hasan airport
- WRBT Teluk Kepayang airport
- WRBU Buntok-Sanggau airport
- WRFA Maskolen airport
- WRKA Atambua airport
- WRKB Bajawa airport
- WRKC Wai Oti airport
- WRKE H Hasan Aroeboesman airport
- WRKG Satar Tacik airport
- WRKI Mbai airport
- WRKJ Mena airport
- WRKK El Tari airport